Today we are talking about an interesting complement to any athlete, created and developed in Spain, a smart shirt whose name is Gow.
Gow is a personal training system consisting of a sensorized shirt, a heart monitor, a mobile app and an online extension. An advanced method of controlling and managing your vital signs that records your workout and helps you develop a safe and comfortable way.
The smart textiles shirt has sensors capable of reading the heart rate, second by second. These sensors are sending the information to a small heart monitor that is hooked into the shirt with two clips, very comfortable and easy.
The heart monitor via Bluetooth Smart sends all information to the app GOW, where it is interpreted by a virtual coach, in addition to reporting on our results in real time, it helps us achieve our fitness goals. Downloading the app is free.
Once ended the year I could be found on the web the historical record of all the sessions, with the possibility of creating new training plans and sharing sessions with other users.
Gow allows four types of sports: running, biking, indoor and outdoor.
The application, which can be downloaded for Apple and Android for free, is connected to the cloud and provides access training plans, racing, series, challenges and practice sessions. From heart rate recorded over all the training, one can know the calorie consumption, differentiating fat intake and hydrates.
Our opinion:
It is in really interesting and perfect for athletes, cyclists invention and many more given the convenience of monitoring and performing. It's another way other than taking data for the athlete, accurately and not overly expensive. We recommend it 100%.
Our rating:
Thanks for your attention, SEE YOU SOON!
Gow est un système d'entraînement personnel composé d'un maillot sensoriel, d'un moniteur cardiaque, d'une application mobile et d'une extension en ligne.