Sunday, 15 March 2015


Hey everyone,

In this post we are going to talk about a new trend which is arriving to the sportman. It is bracelet which measure many features of our training depending of the sports model.

In this post we are going to talk of nike fuel band because it is one of the first brand  in make this product. His name is "Fuel Band".

FuelBand monitors your activity and exercise and it record it to upload it to your online Nike + service, which allows keeping track of exercise you do every day and share it on a social network . This is the second edition of the bracelet and this time unlike the first is waterproof, so you can use it while you are swimming . You can monitor the number of steps and the amount of exercise you do and Nike added these data as NikeFuel , a scoring system that counts your every move. This way , NikeFuel has a social element , allowing users to compete with each other or encourage friends and family to start doing sport. The bracelet is capable of monitoring activities such as cycling or rowing also running with this new intelligent calibration.

The bracelet is compatible with android and IOS and has bluetooth 4.0 technology to constantly synchronize with mobile

It has a battery of about 4 days duration which will depend on the use we will. The price on the official website is 99 euros , it is similar to models of other brands

Our Analysis

In our opinion we believe that despite being a pioneer in these devices has lagged behind other models that we will see later and offer more and better features. So, we think that if you want to buy this device, first you must look at several models before deciding which is the best for you.

Our rating

Thanks for your attention, SEE YOU SOON!

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